Think. Design. Create!
Bright style, elegance, refinement, and attention to detail – this is what I value in my works. Because of this I always look for new ways to improve my skills and create meticulously designed and built websites. Although I have not done that many projects, I sincerely hope this list will grow intensively soon. I always find decent solutions and even help others with solving their issues 🙂.
There is a proverb saying: “A stitch in time saves nine!”
Budget calculation application. You can add / remove income and expenses for the current month, i...
Application allowing users to book group stays using the Stripe API, Mapbox GL JS and GeoJSON to...
Rock paper scissors
Rock, paper, scissors game created with JavaScript. You play versus computer (which is pretty har...
Recipe finder app created. You can search a recipe by it's main ingredient name, it will display...
This application will provide you a homepage for quickly accessing your favorite sites. Google Ch...
To do list
Very simple To do list application built with React to lean this JavaScript library. The tasks ar...
Basic implementation of a calculator built with JavaScript ES6 and with a neumorphic CSS style an...
Pig game
Dice game created using Native JavaScript, JQuery, SASS(scss synthax), 7-1 pattern and BEM method...
Poker game where you have to challenge the computer in order to win. You are given two random car...
Trillo - travel agency
Landing page created using SASS(scss synthax) to learn how it works. 7-1 pattern and BEM methodol...
Nexter - realtor agency
Landing page created using SASS(scss synthax) and advanced Grid Layout.