Application allowing users to book group stays using the Stripe API, Mapbox GL JS and GeoJSON to display the location of these stays. You can use a fake credit card (provided by Stripe API: 4242 4242 4242 4242, a date in the future for the expiration date eg 05/25, and the cryptogram of your choice eg 123). Since my Stripe account is still in test mode because I don't want to earn real money with this app, please don't use real credit card information.
Stack used
To build this application, I used Express: a back-end framework coupled with NodeJS for the server part, mongoDB for the NoSQL database part as well as the Mongoose connection driver. I was able to build my REST API from scratch with the help of Postman for managing my API endpoints and editing documentation for these endpoints. I also used the Stripe API so I could set up an online payment system. A complete authentication system is also in place with a user role system and encrypted password management.
My Other